| 17 February 2025, Monday |

Who we are

Sawt Beirut International is a Lebanese platform, which started operating in 2005

The purpose behind launching Sawt Beirut International platform was spreading the voice of Lebanon and Beirut all over the world. The audio visual platform aims at reflecting the reality to the Lebanese diaspora across the globe, so they get informed about what’s happening to people in war and peace, and in the diversity and synchronicity that characterizes the country.

Sawt Beirut International platform aims at connecting the new generation of expatriates to their homeland through a platform broadcasting 24/7 all Lebanon’s latest news and songs, and the Arab world as well, so they feel more concerned with all events. The platform also introduces the diaspora to their motherland through providing cultural programs that transfer the most important ancient Lebanese customs and traditions, in addition to targeted folkloric and artistic programs showing the Lebanese villages and cities in its most beautiful image.

Sawt Beirut International platform was also keen to highlight Lebanon’s importance and to keep the Lebanese diaspora always updated about the citizens’ internal affairs and concerns as if they were living in Lebanon. The platform sought to develop the expatriates’ nostalgia for their motherland through programs broadcasted directly via the Internet, and allow them to communicate with their families in Lebanon.

The online portal of Sawt Beirut International covers all the political, economic, and security developments in Lebanon and the world, and provides its readers objective and professional real time news. Sawt Beirut International website is also concerned with health and beauty affairs.

Sawt Beirut International was the first Web TV, broadcasting its programs via the internet only, which is part of the future media revolution. Sawt Beirut International platform delivers real time messages and reflects the real image in an appropriate manner, especially after October 17th revolution that has kicked off in Lebanon in 2019. The platform entered recently a new phase of live audio and visual news coverage through its facebook page, in cooperation with Beirut City page, and with a wide network of professional correspondents spread across the country.

It is noteworthy that Sawt Beirut International platform has a highly qualified, educated, and motivated working team, who are striving to spread the country’s civilization, culture, and traditions, across the globe.