| 8 February 2025, Saturday |

Sawt Beirut International – news bulletin 28-3-2021

A brief of today’s news bulletin:

  • A total collapse for the bank’s balance, and shall we say farewell for forensic audit?
  • First batch of Sputnik V vaccine arrives, and Lebanese will pay its cost from their empty pockets
  • Lebanon will witness new coronavirus strain that will hold its name if the chaos continues

It is weird what is happening in Lebanon. All people have the desire to form a government except for the two most prominent concerned people, the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister-designate. Whoever listened, read, and followed what took place yesterday and today between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Future Movement, he will got confused and astonished.  It is a debate that doesn’t mean anything except for its followers and authors, because citizens are far away from it, and what they want is a government that avoids them the harsh economic collapse. Citizens have realized that nothing is worse than a country without a government, especially in the presence of a resigned government that is not even performing its duties, and in light of an economic, financial, and social crisis. So where are the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister designate from what is happening? Are they responsible? Or they have completely resigned from their national responsibility, and decided to undergo their own interests as well as the interests of the regional and international powers? Is it reasonable that the official leaders are unable to form a government while their people are suffering from poverty and destitution, the youth are planning to emigrate, and the country is on the brink of explosion after collapse?

The stubbornness of both and their lack of responsibility, have dropped all initiatives, starting from the French initiative reaching the Patriarch’s initiative. Today it is has been reported that there is new initiative for government formation taken by the Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and the Head of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblatt. The new proposal is based on forming a government of 24 ministers, were the Prime Minister and Vice president do not hold any ministerial portfolio, with 22 ministers, each of which holds one ministry, without giving the third block for any party. Will the duo Berri and Jumblatt succeed when the French President and the Maronite Patriarch failed to do that? Our information indicates that the new initiative will have the same fate similar to the previous ones.

On the local side, Aoun and Hariri are predicting fake wars to justify their failure in forming a government, but regionally, Iran does not want to release the formation of the government before it reaches new agreement with the US administration. Meanwhile, the economic collapse will continue, and we don’t have any choice except pitying ourselves because we are governed by such leaders, rulers, and administrators.

  • Sawt Beirut International