| 16 February 2025, Sunday |

Sawt Beirut International – News Bulletin – April 20, 2021

In today’s news bulletin:

  • European sanctions imposed on those blocking government formation, just waiting for the right time.
  • Bassil, who aspires to the presidency, clashes with an internal boycott and external isolation. Will he succeed in overcoming all obstacles?
  • The World Bank expects the worst for Lebanon and the Lebanese, so how can we apply reforms after collapse?

Black hands seek to strike everything and want Lebanon to become a state from history. Let us consider the scene, the Presidency of the Republic has been absent from reality, no actual government for nearly nine months, the Parliament is almost paralyzed, institutions are collapsing due to the Strong Covenant, while Lebanese people are dreaming of emigrating, forever. Nevertheless, the President of the Republic’s team believes to achieve success through his puppet, the Public Prosecutor of Mount Lebanon. Will Ghada Aoun achieve recognition after that Michel Aoun lost track?

No news regarding the new government. Contacts are completely cut off between the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister-designate, although the PM-designate is currently in Lebanon, preparing for tomorrow’s visits to Rome and the Vatican. Current deliberations in regard with government formation are being followed-up either by President Nabih Berri or Major General Abbas Ibrahim. So far, those are minimal deliberations that we all know won’t lead anywhere, because it has become obvious that there is no possibility under the current circumstances for parties to agree on a government.

Regarding European sanctions, they are being considered in Brussels, noting that their reversibility is not as easy as it seems to be, since it requires the consensus of 27 countries. Will European consensus be reached or will the thieves of the nation be able to escape this time?

  • Sawt Beirut International