In today’s news bulletin:
– Sabra for “Sawt Beirut International” .. No new government during Michel Aoun era
– Khoury for “Sawt Beirut International” .. This is the most difficult plan for the most difficult academic year
– Due to the deteriorating economic conditions, the only option for Lebanon’s youth is suicide
Unfortunately, we are following in Iran’s footsteps! The evidence: the media appearances of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, in which he speaks in the tone of the forbidden order. In his last three appearances, Hassan Nasrallah deliberately preached to the Lebanese about the Iranian ships, and every time he promised us a new Iranian ship, until it became three. On the other hand, Lebanese officials are completely silent. As if they are not responsible for the people, and the state!
Yesterday, Nasrallah said: “We agreed with Iranian brothers to start loading a third fuel ship.” The question is: to whom does the word “we agree” refer to? Nasrallah personally or Hezbollah? In both cases, does Nasrallah or his party have the right to agree with a second country on a sovereign matter related to the state, such as the issue of hydrocarbons, without returning to the Lebanese state?
In this case: where is the president of the republic from what is happening? Where is the resigned prime minister? Where is also the prime minister-designate? The President of the Republic and the two prime ministers who resigned and who are appointed are all preoccupied with collecting the rights of their sects, whether through the expected government formation, or by refusing to appear before the judicial investigator!
What Christians and Sunnis rights, which Aoun, Diab and Miqati are talking about? Don’t they know that the rights of their sects are meaningless and useless, as long as we, as Lebanese, lose every day our right to exist in a sovereign country governed by Lebanese institutions and not Iranian institutions? And don’t Aoun, Diab and Mikati know that by their negligence, they are making the rule for us in the manner of Iran? In Iran there are also figureheads and constitutional institutions, but the first and last word is for the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran. And here our president and institutions are turning into a mere cover for Nasrallah, who is gradually positioning himself as the supreme guide of the Lebanese Republic.. Is anyone asking yet why we are following in Iran’s footsteps?