In today’s news bulletin:
– Corona deaths soar up in frightening numbers, amid no medical answers.
– Announcing the vaccine plan, those are the details.
– After the street explodes again, how will the lockdown continue?
People are sore, as all hopes’ outlets vanished, so they took to the street, end of story. Here, it is not useful politicize this anger or attach this movement to this leader or that authority. Rather, you must understand the people’s act, instead of being distracted by searching for an accusation, and trying to politicize the movement. And it would be preferable if the authority, instead of pleading with knowledge of the movement’s background, would turn to their needs instead of observing them. And to the authority we say, the hungry does not need to search for an excuse to go to the street, but rather the authority needs to think a little, of why this citizen came down to demand his livelihood. As for those who try to exploit this move in politics and in the polls, we say, elections are not at the door, famine is at the door, work to address what is urgent. For if the situation remains as it is, you will not find a citizen to vote, and in eloquent language, “Fear God”