The Free Patriotic Movement’s show is over. The parliamentary show kicked off in the UNESCO Palace, a session that was sentenced to failure due to the absence of the main Christian political parties, represented by the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces. The FPM who was threatening to boycott the parliamentary session, suddenly showed up and participated in the session although its members were unconvinced by the agenda, and pledged to give an advance to the EDL company. This is the “highly-reputable” FPM, the political party who can’t get enough of making deals and “quota-setting approaches” in-your-face, while the country is on the brink of bankruptcy and collapse.
Yesterday, the Minister of Energy Raymond Ghajar affirmed from Baabda that very soon, the country will not be able to generate electricity. He announced that Lebanon heads for ‘total darkness’ blackout as electricity funds dry up, alerting the Parliament and the authorities to ensure the advance. Are we citizens of a country or employees at a company that is merely concerned to achieve countless profits? Are our elected officials autonomous? Or are they members of a mafia through which they share power and wealth? The answer is clear and straightforward. The Lebanese Regime is devouring itself, and inevitably, the officials are gang members, but the only difference is that the gangs and mafias maintain the institutions of the region that they control. As for the gang of our state, it stole funds and exhausted the nation, to end up ruining everything. Now seriously, is anyone surprised by the “darkness hurricane” that Lebanon will plunge in very soon? Remember, injustice anywhere is a threat to darkness everywhere!