| 7 February 2025, Friday |

Sawt Beirut International News Bulletin- March 18, 2021

In tonight’s new bulletin:

  • Smuggling continues in different ways, and Iranian goods occupy supermarket shelves.
  • Lebanon’s pound continues to tumble against US dollar, is there any mechanism to control its price?
  • The economic crisis impacts drug security, and pharmacies protest to warn of this situation

Let us think about this incident for a moment. On Wednesday, the Lebanese pound currency dropped to an all-time low with exchange rates of 15,000 pounds. But we woke up on Thursday to hear news about a meeting between the President of the Republic Michel Aoun and the Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, so the Lebanese pound has seen a slight improvement in dollar exchange rates rising to less than 13,000 pounds. This was due to the compromise the two presidents has provided by meeting again together, and restoring a dialogue. Was it justified and logical what both presidents has made to the citizens? Is it acceptable that the dispute on having ministerial shares have paid us this deadly cost? It is really unacceptable what happened to Lebanon and the Lebanese in the recent period.

The available scheme, which is based on benefits, gains, and quotas wasn’t able to obtain its shares in the expected government, so they ruined the country and turned our life into hell. Is it acceptable that this system harms us twice? The available parties have achieved their own interests at the expense of the country and its citizens.  Whether they differ or disagree, they will witness a formal conflict and citizens will be actually damaged.

Our rulers are behaving in an unacceptable, immoral, and even inhuman way, so stop playing with our nerves, laughing at us and mocking our minds. Your fake movie, which is steeped in sectarianism, doesn’t fool anyone. You are benefiting from the sectarian spirit to attract your people and convince them of your lies and slanders.

The President of the Republic and the Prime Minister-designate are required in their 18th meeting on Monday to form an independent government including specialists. If they fail to do so, let them at least have the courage to declare failure and to take the appropriate decision in this regard. It is honorable for them to resign than to bear forever the curse of history and the citizen’s anger. Let them also remember from all the nation’s experiences that people will eventually never neglect what they did.

  • Sawt Beirut International