The poisonous equation: FPM’s love for power VS Hezbollah love of controlling Lebanon!
Iran is once again to blame for the crisis. The Iran in question is neither the Iran’s history nor the Iranian population. Rather, it is the Iranian dictatorship, particularly the Wilayat al-Faqih, which want to export what it sees as a revolution to many nations throughout the world, including, tragically, Lebanon.
This Iran refuses to settle down and shows no compassion! It follows an imperial ambition from the past that is impossible to accomplish in today’s environment. Iran is attempting to conquer every Arab metropolis under the guise of propagating the Islamic Revolution and rescuing Palestine from the Zionists.
This is how hard Iran tried and failed in Damascus and Baghdad. It is currently attempting to do so in Sana’a and Beirut. Its military-political branch, Hezbollah, is well-known in Lebanon’s capital, where it cooperates and “understands” and allies with a number of subordinate political groups, lead by the Free Patriotic Movement. For this reason, Michel Aoun was elected president by the “Yellow Flag Party”.
He wants a servile in Baabda Palace who will carry out his aims and strategic plans in exchange for the president, the president’s son-in-law, and the president’s entourage getting what they want from authoritarian and material rewards. It is the equation that has governed Hezbollah’s relationship with the Free Patriotic Movement from 2016, i.e., since Michel Aoun’s election as president till present.
As a result, anyone who believes that Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement’s partnership would fall apart or collapse is completely mistaken. To accomplish its objective to seize total control of Lebanon, the party requires a Christian partner.
In short, all of the tension between the two parties that we are experiencing aims at tightening the street nerve before the polls, nothing more, nothing less. Next Sunday’s remarks of Gebran Bassil will not vary from this framework. The Aounists have not learned from their failures and will not do so in the future. They want to stay in power in Lebanon, but Hezbollah and Iran want Lebanon as well. What is the source of any authority that Aounists seek? What profits and benefits will be realized as a result? May God keep Lebanon safe!