A brief of tonight’s News Bulletin:
The Lebanese Republic may be summarized in three words: escape, evasion, and smuggling. The flight is obvious and visible, and it is reflected in political reality. Our officials are attempting to escape the harsh and bitter reality that they have imposed on us by waging fictitious battles. The government has been tasked with forming the government on its own, and who believes that there are still some who are concerned about the number of ministers, the blocking third, and how ministers are chosen. These are little concerns that keep officials occupied and allow them to escape from a sense of entitlement, pressure, and a dismal position. Tax evasion, whether through the law or its breach, as well as avoiding openness in tenders and not exposing them to monitoring authorities, are examples of evasion.
Smuggling continues to rule the scene. Everything in Lebanon is subject to smuggling, including fuel, flour and medicine. In fact, the latest information indicates that vaccines are smuggled from the official platform to vaccinate parliamentarians and employees, which urged Dr. Abdel Rahman Al-Bizri to resign from the National Committee.
In conclusion, our politicians are not only thieves and criminals, but they are also smugglers in the making. Is anyone wondering why the state eluded us until we were left without a state and semi-nationality?