A brief of tonight’s news bulletin:
There is an expression that says “Men are best liars”. In Lebanon, “politicians are best liars.” Meetings were held yesterday in the Republican Palace and the Parliament with the goal of resolving economic issues. There are many promises and projects, but nothing has been accomplished in reality. Parliament’s joint parliamentary committees approved the financing card without understanding how or where it will be funded. Thus, the idea was agreed upon after months of examining and searching, but it is likely that the principle will remain just that: a principle, rather than becoming an implemented reality. Is it a way to address the Republic’s most severe economic and social crises since its founding 78 years ago?
The lie does not end there; it extends to the political issue as well. All parties involved in forming the government, for example, reject the charge of blockage and believe that it is the other parties who are obstructing the formation of the government; the most recent example of this is Gebran Bassil’s letter to the UN Secretary-General congratulating him on his re-election. Is there anyone who believes that the Free Patriotic Movement is not a partner in obstructing the formation of a government? He informed him in the letter that the Free Patriotic Movement had undertaken all necessary procedures to support the establishment of a government. Is Gebran Bassil really convinced that what he stated is fooling the United Nations Secretary-General?
Regarding the governmental issue, he referred to the way Hezbollah Secretary-General Nasrallah responded to his request, despite the fact that he did not authorize him or give him the Christians’ matter, stressing the importance of responding to this call without revealing its procedures, even if he embraced the concept of fresh ideas if Aoun and Hariri convene to form a government.
In summary, Nasrallah asserts that he is the Republic’s Leader, a Supreme Guide with total authority, the Owner of the answer and the remedy…