| 6 February 2025, Thursday |

Abou Chakra says, the raise in dollar exchange rates has led to an increase in fuel prices

The Head of the Syndicate of Gas Station Owners Fadi Abou Chakra, confirmed that “the price schedule was supposed to witness a slight decrease in the price of gasoline because oil prices has dropped globally, but the dollar exchange rate for oil importers has become 19,500 LBP, and this led to an increase in the price of gasoline.”

In an interview with Al-Watania Media, he asked: “Who is responsible for the increase of the dollar’s price on the black market, and where is the state from this issue?”

“May God help citizens who can no longer tolerate any rise in prices, especially since the salaries are stable and the minimum wage is equal to the price of two cans of petrol,” he said.

He added that the biggest catastrophe is represented by the rise in the price of diesel, especially in mountainous areas, and the financing card has not yet been approved.”

  • Sawt Beirut International