| 14 February 2025, Friday |

Al-Bukhari: Lebanon’s strength & steadfastness comes solely from within

Saudi Ambassador to Beirut, Walid Al-Bukhari, considered that Tripoli, the capital of Lebanon’s northern region, is “the den of Arabism and its beating heart of moderation, a capital that resembles its historical fortress, a city of intellect and writers, with its roots engraved deep in the Arab world and nourished by it.”

He added: “The goal and aspiration of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is that Lebanon remains as ‘one heart and one hand’ in the service of the advancement and prosperity of its land, and the prosperity of its people away from any interference, for Lebanon’s strength and steadfastness stems from the inside, and the inside alone!”

Al-Bukari reiterated that his country’s diplomatic work in Lebanon “aims to provide a sustainable international safety net in order to always and forever preserve Lebanon’s security and stability,” adding that “the Saudi leadership is always keen on striving to achieve these principles and this vision.”

The Saudi Ambassador’s words came during a luncheon banquet held in his honor today by Lebanese businessman Mohammad Adib at “Miramar” Resort in Tripoli, with the Ambassadors of Tunisia, Jordan, Algeria, Morocco, and Yemen attending, alongside MPs Major General Ashraf Rifi, Mohammad Sleiman, Ahmad Rustom, Sajieh Attieh, Taha Naji, Ghayath Yazbek, Fadi Karam, Adeeb Abdel-Masih, Ihab Matar, Fouad Makhzoumi, Walid Al-Baarini, Ahmad Al-Khair, Rami Fenj, Abdul Aziz Al-Samad, Elie Khoury and Jamil Abboud, as well as Chamber of Commerce and Industry Head in Tripoli Tawfiq Dabboussi, and Mayor of Tripoli Ahmed Qamar El-Din, and several other prominent dignitaries and official from the region.

For his part, Major General Rifi delivered a brief speech in which he welcomed the Saudi Ambassador’s visit to Tripoli while also congratulating the Lebanese, in general, and Muslims, in particular, on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday.

“In times of adversity and crises, the test of friendship and brotherhood turns into reality, and in the forefront of Lebanon’s friends who have passed all tests is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and some sister Arab countries,” he said.

Addressing the Saudi Ambassador, Rifi hailed his presence in the North as “an act of devotion and faith in Lebanon and its future,” adding that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and other sister Arab countries alike, will remain constantly alongside Lebanon and its people who yearn for the return of their Arab brethrens to Beirut, the capital of Arab convergence.

“Beirut will remain an Arab city, and no matter how delusional the new guardians are regarding their guardianship persistence, the facts of geography and history will slap their illusions in the face, for Lebanon will remain as per its original identity and Arabism,” Rifi asserted, stressing that hegemony will fall similar to every past occupation of Lebanon.

“The Sunnis in Lebanon, like others, are an essential component of this country, and no one can override them or confiscate their decision,” Rifi went on, confirming that “the presence of the Sunnis in the Lebanese equation is not linked to any emergency circumstance or individual leadership, but rather is an act of force that is not subject to any intimidation.”

“It is an act of power linked to Lebanon, coexistence, the constitution, and Arab relations, which constitute the greatest guarantee for our people and our country,” he maintained.

Rifi also emphasized that the role of the Sunnis is also essential in establishing balance via-a-vis the other project, for their role is vital and required for the participation of all other sovereign constituencies in this country in order to create balance against the Iranian project, underlining herein “the dire need for having an Arab project to confront the Persian project.”

“We affirm the continuation of the struggle against Iran’s project in Lebanon,” MP Rifi underlined, adding, “We, in Lebanon, are ready to liberate our country from the Iranian grip that has driven the country to hell.”

  • NNA