The Head of the Parliamentary Health Committee Dr. Issam Araji, tweeted the following: “The country is not only in the critical care unit, but also putting on the respirator and even in a coma, because of the mistakes of its doctors and their incapacity to find a cure.”
“It is such a shame to watch the country fall to pieces. All institutions have collapsed”, Araji concluded.
البلد ليس فقط بغرفة العناية الفائقة،ولكن بسبب اخطاء أطبائه وعدم اهليتهم لعلاجه،تم وضعه على جهاز التنفس الاصطناعي وأصبح بغيبوبه تامه
حرام ما يحصل بالبلد،كل المؤسسات انهارت
الحل أعجوبة الهيه— Dr Assem Araji – الدكتور عاصم عراجي (@dr_assem_araji) April 17, 2021