| 14 January 2025, Tuesday |

Army Command: “Those are fabricated news aim at confusing Lebanese arena.”

The Army Command – Orientation Directorate issued the following statement:

“Some social media reported fabricated news and allegations regarding  contacts done with the army command.”
This leadership, which considers  that the aim of this news is to confuse the Lebanese arena and create a rift between the Lebanese people, by exploiting the dire economic crisis that is afflicting Lebanon, is interested in confirming that the army’s priority is the supreme national interest , and its first and only concern is to maintain security and stability. Every act done by the leadership does falls within this framework.
It also highly appreciates the popular and political support to the army, which is expressed through communications received by the military institution, especially in terms of the complex and difficult tasks the army is  performing with all professionalism, morality, discipline and patience.
The army command calls to refrain from any act that could  fuel sedition and harm civil peace.”