| 12 September 2024, Thursday |

Bahaa Hariri is the one eligible to lead Sunni community in Lebanon, believes bishop Rahme

Archbishop Hanna Rahme, the president of the Episcopal Committee for Catholic Schools and pastor of the Maronite diocese of Baalbek, Deir al-Ahmar, realized that injustice would inevitably result in an eruption. Every potential of Lebanon rising from the ashes was snuffed out by the hand of murder and wickedness.

Regarding the context of his invitation to Bahaa Hariri to lead the Sunni community in Lebanon, Rahmeh stated in a statement to the Kuwaiti “al-Anbaa” that the praise of state assassinations was repeated until Rafic Hariri arrived, “the godfather of Taif,” a man of education, economy, Arab and international relations, the chaser of a dream to make “Lebanon the Switzerland of the East.”

However, there are some people who were against such a dream, so they assassinated him in 2005, and killed the Lebanese ambitions. Today, Bahaa Hariri, Rafik Hariri’s eldest son and Saad Hariri’s older brother, must assume leadership of the Sunni community, based on his qualifications and abilities in regrouping the honorable Sunni community.

Rahma pointed out that 48 years after the start of the civil war, facts and evidence proved that the problem among the Lebanese was not sectarian nor regional but was and still is Lebanon using a mailbox to direct messages between regional and international players.

Rahme pointed out that what is most regrettable and worrying at the same time is that the Lebanese, Muslims and Christians, have not learned lessons after 48 years of war experiences and its consequences, and therefore have not been able to purify the memory and close the door tightly on the dark era of it, so we see the rise of sectarian barricades.

  • Sawt Beirut International