Lebanese businessman Sheikh Bahaa Hariri
Sheikh Baha Hariri tweeted: “What is the Lebanese judiciary waiting for, to reveal the identity of the criminals and those involved in the crimes of Al-Taqwa and Salam (piety and peace) Mosques, which is an episode in the crimes’ series committed against Lebanon, its cities and people.”
Hariri added, “Peace be upon Tripoli, which is healing all its wounds by itself, and which is still paying the price of their battles.”
ماذا ينتظر القضاء اللبناني ليكشف هوية المجرمين والمتورطين في جريمة التقوى والسلام والتي هي حلقة في مسلسل الجرائم التي ترتكب بحق لبنان ومدنه وشعبه.
سلام على طرابلس التي تضمد وحيدة كل جراحها، والتي ما زالت تدفع وحدها اثمان معاركهم.
— Bahaa Rafik Hariri (@bahaa_hariri_) August 23, 2021