Sheikh Baha Hariri wrote on his Twitter page: “There is no salvation for Lebanon, and there is no alternative to implementing the principles of the Taif Agreement in all its provisions, which came as a result of the efforts of martyr Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, we will remain loyal to our commitment to implement it, and we call on everyone not to deviate from it, and adhere to it, because it represents a formula for consecrating coexistence”.
لا خلاص للبنان ولا بديل عن تطبيق مبادئ إتفاق الطائف بكل مندرجاته، والذي جاء نتيجة جهود الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريرى ، سنبقى اوفياء بالتزامنا بتطبيقه، وندعو الجميع لعدم الحياد عنه، والتمسك به، لما يمثله من صيغة لتكريس العيش المشترك.
— Bahaa Rafik Hariri (@bahaa_hariri_) July 24, 2023