Caretaker Minister of Industry, MP George Boujikian, on Tuesday partook in a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Paris, which exchanged views on the best means to activate industrial and mutual cooperation between Lebanon and France, in a way that Lebanese industrialists could benefit from French industrial expertise.
Boujikian capitalized on the importance of partnership between Lebanon and the European Union, “and France in particular, which opens the continent’s gates to Lebanon’s manufacturers and exporters.”
The meeting also took stock of the various fields of cooperation to build developmental, reciprocal, and complementary relations that the Lebanese private industrial sector would benefit from, especially in the promising fields of information, technology, pharmacy, food, as well as electrical industries.
Moreover, Boujikian stressed the importance of “Lebanon’s civilized and cultural role, as well as its strategic location between the East and the West — a link that secures exchange and opens Arab and European markets to one another.”