According to MP Chamel Roukoz, “the constitution is very clear about the end of the president’s term of office, and if we reach the constitutional deadlines and a president has not been elected, the government will assume power until his election.” When asked about scenarios for the president’s extension, he said, “Let them stop looking for exits for the president’s extension, because the constitution is clear.”
Roukoz excluded consideration of the notion of “extension of the current parliament” during a televised interview, believing that: “It is very difficult to extend the current parliament, especially since most of the forces will resign from the parliament if the matter reaches this point.” The elections will be postponed if something major occurs in the region that has an impact on Lebanon.”
Roukoz criticized Hezbollah’s intervention in the judiciary in the case of Judge Tarek Bitar, saying that it “totally rejects political interference in the judiciary, and (Hezbollah’s) use of force to put pressure on the judiciary is totally rejected by him and by others.”
“The army succeeded in controlling the situation after the clashes took place,” he said of the events in Tayouneh. “It must always be supported in these situations.” “Nasrallah’s offensive stances against Samir Geagea and the forces served him well to strengthen his Christian side,” he said.