| 11 February 2025, Tuesday |

Education Ministers calls on employees to adhere to COVID-19 measures or else face ‘legal consequences’

Education Minister Abbas Halabi issued Circular No. 33/m/2021, which instructed all persons in charge of public and private educational institutions and administrative units to follow the first paragraph of the COVID-19 Follow-up Committee’s recommendations. The circular stipulated the following:

“In addition to the circular issued by the Prime Minister No. 26/2021 dated 27/12/2021 based on the recommendations of the Coronavirus Follow-up Committee issued on 1/12/2021, specifically the paragraph related to the necessity that workers in the health educational and tourist sectors as well as the military and security agencies, the public transport sector, the public sector, municipalities and their unions are vaccinated with two doses of approved vaccines, or they may be subject, at their own expense, to PCR tests twice a week, in any laboratory approved by the Ministry of Public Health, any refusal will be met with dismissal and legal consequences. In this context, workers who have received the Covid-19 vaccine must present a copy of the vaccination certificate issued by the Ministry of Public Health, and those who did not receive the vaccine will have to show the results of their PCR tests.

Therefore, the Education Ministerasks all employees and workers who still did not receive the Covid-19 vaccine to get the jab, or to undergo a PCR test twice a week at their own expense, in implementation of the circular of the Prime Minister. The Minister also stresses the need to adhere to the abovementioned, or else the necessary administrative and behavioral measures will be taken against violators.”

  • MTV Lebanon