At Baabda meeting, President Aoun stressed that “the decision of the Governor of the Banque du Liban to lift fuel subsidies has serious social and economic results.”
Aoun also reminded of the deliberations that focused on the financing card law that links the lifting of support to it’s issuance of this card, as well as the exceptional approvals of the Council of Ministers that authorized the bank to use the mandatory reserve to open credits for the purchase of fuels and its derivatives, and demanded the safety of adherence to these texts.
President Aoun asked the Governor of Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, in any decision he takes to coordinate with the procedural authority and the constitution to set the state’s general policy in all fields.
In this context, President Aoun asked the Minister of Energy and Water Raymond Ghajar to control the distributed and stored quantities of fuel in order not to manipulate their prices.