French Ambassador to Lebanon, Anne Grillot
“Today, I think with deep sadness of the relatives of the victims who passed away that night in Akkar. Today, I think of every individual in Lebanon who is struggling in the face of the humanitarian and health crisis that the country is going through in conditions that are getting worse day by day,” tweeted French Ambassador to Lebanon, Anne Grillot, following the tragedy that took place in Akkar at dawn.
“The extreme difficulties faced by the Lebanese are not inevitable. It is sufficient for those in the position of responsibility to have a little courage and decency to meet the needs of the Lebanese and respect their basic rights,” she stressed.
اليوم، أفكر بحزن عميق بأقارب الضحايا الذين فارقوا الحياة في هذا الليل في عكار.
— Anne Grillo (@grillo_anne) August 15, 2021