| 20 September 2024, Friday |

Geagea: May they have mercy on citizens

Samir Geagea, the head of the Lebanese Forces party, tweeted on Friday: “Since the horrific economic collapse in recent years, including the gasoline crisis, the pain and humiliation, the disasters, the al-Tleil incident in Akkar, the bread crisis, among others; they are all linked to one common factor, which is smuggling.”
Geagea also wondered in his tweet whether Lebanon’s “strong President” had given up on fighting smuggling during his reign.

“Have any of the successive governments within the last three years taken any measures in this regard?” wondered Geagea.

“Let those in the presidency, the government, and other decision-making positions have mercy on the people and take the required measures to stop smuggling,” Geagea’s tweet added.


  • NNA