General Labor Union
The General Labor Confederation confirmed that it “spared no means but used it, starting with reviewing all officials, passing through national general strikes and sit-ins, and confronting collective and individual dismissals.”
In a statement, it indicated that “the Union today is in the process of setting priorities for its movements, starting with correcting wages and raising their minimum levels, to protecting and fortifying the National Social Security Fund, to curbing the depreciation of the national currency against the dollar, to securing medicine, hospitalization, the right to a job opportunity, public transportation, public school, and the National University.” If all these and other issues are among the priorities, then categorizing and scheduling them has become an urgent necessity in order to meet specific goals, while setting a timetable for labor and popular movements in their various forms.
The union addressed the workers in all the private and public sectors, confirming them that they constitiute this onion, and through them alone, they can achieve these demands. It called upon them to raise their voice in the face of tyrants and tyranny, and reject oppression, injustice, systematic looting, and prescribed and legalized thefts.