| 8 February 2025, Saturday |

LF’s Geagea congratulates France’s Macron: “I beg to you for assistance!”

Samir Geagea, the leader of the “Lebanese Forces,” sent a letter to the French President Emmanuel Macron congratulating him on his re-election as President of the French Republic, stating the following:

“Monsieur le Président of la République française,

The French people have voiced their views and renewed their trust in you by electing you to a second term as President.

I applaud you personally, as well as the democratic route, which has become threatened in more than one part of the world, with the threat nearing the gates of Europe as a whole.

I’d want to take this opportunity to thank you for your dedication to my nation Lebanon and the Lebanese people in these trying times.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the port explosion tragedy have been added to the structural challenges represented by Hezbollah’s domination on the one hand and the growth of corruption on the other. Neither Lebanon nor the Lebanese are capable of dealing with the economic, financial, monetary, social, and even institutional ramifications on their own.

Mr. President, some regard Lebanon as a message, others as an example of coexistence, and yet others as a crossroads of cultures. Maybe they’ll be OK. In the end, it is a home for millions of Lebanese who aspire for the most fundamental rights to peace and prosperity, as well as a good existence in a state of law ruled by functional institutions.

As I feel obligated to accomplish these reasonable ambitions, I respectfully request your support in this regard.

I convey to you, Mr. President, the pledges of my highest consideration with hope and resolve.”

  • Sawt Beirut International