Media Advisor to businessman Bahaa Hariri Jerry Maher commented on the rumors circulated today related to Bahaa Hariri’s meeting with Bassil on his Twitter account saying: “All news and information that have been deliberately promoted by some malicious people, about a meeting held between Bahaa Hariri and Gibran Bassil is false.”
He added: “In fact, Bahaa Hariri’s position is clear and explicit regarding the entire current political system, and Bassil is a main pillar in this system.”
لا صحة لكل الأخبار والمعلومات التي يتعمد بعض المستفيدين من ترويجها، عن لقاء جمع بهاء الحريري وجبران باسيل. فيما الحقيقة أن موقف بهاء الحريري واضح وصريح من كل المنظومة السياسية الراهنة وباسيل هو ركن أساسي منها. #جيري_ماهر
— Jerry Maher (@jerrymahers) February 23, 2022