PM Mikati follows up on Public Sector strike dossier
Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Monday followed up on public sector employees’ strike dossier, whereby he contacted by phone Caretaker Minister of Finance, Youssef Khalil, during which they discussed the salaries’ file and employee allowances and the need to pay them on the due dates without delay.
Premier Mikati underlined that “the rights of employees are sacred, and the government understands their outcry and seeks as much as possible to provide the steadfastness requirements in this difficult stage,” underscoring at the same time, “the need for the continuation of work of state administrations and public institutions and their productivity to facilitate employees’ affairs and secure the revenues that the state needs.”
Mikati met today at the Grand Serail with Caretaker Minister of Labor, Mustafa Bayram, who said on emerging, “We discussed an array of matters, the most important of the issue of salaries and wages for the public sector, and this issue cannot be disregarded because it is related to social security.”
Minister Bayram also brought to attention that the Premier has contacted to this effect the Minister of Finance, who assured him that “salaries are fixed and there are some delays due to the shortage in the number of employees.”
On the other hand, PM Mikati also met with Caretaker Minister of Justice, Judge Henry Khoury, who said on emerging that discussions touched on Ministry related affairs.
Separately, Mikati received at the Grand Serail Italian Ambassador to Lebanon, Nicoletta Bombardiere, with discussions touching on the bilateral Lebanese-Italian relations and the current general situation in Lebanon and the region.
Mikati then met with Danish Ambassador to Lebanon, Merete Juhl, who came on a farewell visit.