| 9 December 2024, Monday |

President Aoun has confirmed repeatedly that he does not want blocking third, Presidency Press Office reports

The Presidency Press Office issued the following statement:

“Stances of officials, politicians, and journalists sometimes attributed to sources, behind backgrounds that have become repugnant, have increased at an upward rate, through discretionary positions and analyzes that are not based on a sound basis, aiming at one goal, which is to attribute the reason for the delay in forming the future government to desire or insistence. These voices also claim that the President of the Republic wants to obtain the blocking third in the government, in order to approve it and sign the decrees of its formation.

The Presidency Press Office will not stop repeating again and again, perhaps the repetition will teach even the insistent to believe illusions and false accusations, on the following facts:

First: The President, who is more committed than others to respecting the constitutional principles of forming governments in Lebanon and even the norms that have arisen alongside them, has declared more than once that he does not want, either directly or indirectly, the blocking third, in his belief that the difficult circumstances witnessed by Lebanon and the Lebanese people have made it imperative for everyone to rise to the highest levels of responsibility in order to take the initiative and expedite the salvation of the country and the people.

Second: The President, who himself announced this matter in front of all those who approached him on the matter, Lebanese and non-Lebanese officials, and who is known for his steadfastness in his stances and respect for his word, and who is aware of the extent of the tragedy suffered by the Lebanese from different regions and affiliations, reiterates his call to everyone that they should not attach accusations of obstructions to the position of the First Presidency and not to the person of the President, in order to obscure misleading private goals that no longer deceive the Lebanese people, who are tired of them.

Third: This blinding, which has become an almost daily hobby among its professionals, has begun to turn against them.  And if they master it for a while, aiming at the position of the presidency, the person of the president and his constitutional powers, they will no longer even serve their goals.  The Lebanese people have become convinced that this blinding has exposed the true goals of its transmitters, and it is based on:

-Unwillingness to form a government that would collectively assume the functions of the executive authority, and consequently failing to carry out the necessary repairs required.

– Rejecting the fight against corruption and the prosecution of the corrupt.

– Striking the credibility of the state and its institutions after they persisted in nipping at them and turning them into a means for their own ends.

– And most dangerous of all, the starvation of the Lebanese and the further impoverishment of them.

Fourth: What is required now, is not only to stop using the blocking third as a hanger and attach the desire to obtain it from the President, but to stop adopting the game of political cleverness and malice parallel to shrewdness, by covering up the internal problems of this or that group, with its implications, and the results of the aggravation of the situation in Lebanon, through the torrent of accusations and analyzes of condemnation of Mr. President with the desire to obtain the blocking third, all of which, in turn, have exposed the source and who is behind its broadcast, publication and dissemination.

  • NNA