| 26 January 2025, Sunday |

Weather forecast for today and upcoming days

Normal summer weather affects Lebanon with relative stability in temperatures, centered around seasonal rates, and it is a little hot during the day, and the weather will continue in this way during the coming days without a significant change in weather conditions and no heat waves in the foreseeable term.

Tuesday’s weather details:

1- The temperature on the coast ranges between 23 and 31 degrees, in areas between 17 and 33 degrees, and at 1000 meters between 18 and 26 degrees.
2- Atmosphere: little cloudy in general, some clouds and light fog are formed on the heights
3- Winds: Weak northwest, with speeds between 20 and 30 km/hr
4- Surface humidity recorded on the coast between 60 and 80%
5- Atmospheric pressure recorded a coast of 1007 hpa
6- Good vision
7- The sea is low in waves and the temperature of the water surface is 24 degrees.

The weather for the next two days:

Wednesday: Weather with little clouds in general, with the formation of light fog on the mountains, and the temperature rises and ranges between 22 and 31 degrees on the coast, between 16 and 33 spots and between 15 and 26 degrees at the 1000 meters, while the winds are northwesterly weak, with speeds between 20 and 30 km / h.

Thursday: Weather with little clouds in general, with local fog forming on the mountains, and the temperature rising upside down, ranging between 23 and 30 degrees on the coast, between 16 and 33 spots and between 17 and 26 degrees at 1000 metres, while the winds are northwesterly weak, with speeds between 20 and 30 km/h.


  • Sawt Beirut International