| 19 February 2025, Wednesday |

Weather forecast for today.

Friday’s weather is expected to be partly cloudy with a slight rise in temperatures across the inlands and on mountains tops, coupled with fog formation at high altitudes and an increasing risk of fire eruption in wooded areas, according to the Beirut airport-based meteorology department.

Coastal temperatures: 24 to 33 degrees Celsius

Mountainous temperatures: 17 to 29 degrees Celsius

Inland temperatures: 19 to 35 degrees Celsius

Surface winds: Southwesterly with wind speed between 10 and 40 km/hr

Visibility: Medium, worsens at high altitudes due to fog

Coastal humidity: 35 to 70%

Sea: Medium waves, with surface water temperature at 28 degrees Celsius

Sunrise: 5:46

Sunset: 19:42

  • NNA