| 14 February 2025, Friday |

Is Fahd Supermarket’s monopolizing vegetable oil containers?

After the surprise tour by the Minister of Economy, Amin Salam, to a number of supermarkets this afternoon, the head of the Supermarket Owners Syndicate, Nabil Fahd, denied what was reported by “Al-Jadeed” channel about the raid on Fahd’s supermarket in the Furn El Chebbak area and the discovery of a quantity of oil stored in warehouses.

Supermarket “Surfers” 

Fahd indicated, in a call to “Sawt Beirut International”, that the supermarket that was raided is called Surfers Supermarket. He stressed that “he has nothing to do with it, explaining that all goods are displayed in his supermarket and in a large number of other supermarkets, and there is no kind of monopoly”.


Fahd saw that a number of supermarkets are behaving illegally and hiding goods, stressing that he is against this matter and considers it a crime as described by the Minister of Economy. He called on all supermarkets and stores to act in a legal, humane and ethical manner because we are going through a very difficult economic and living situation, in addition to the Ukrainian crisis.

Oil stock is enough for weeks

On the other hand, Fahd revealed that the oil stock in the supermarket is sufficient for weeks, pointing out that the main stock is available with importers or factories. He explained that most of the oil is manufactured in Lebanon, and crude oil is imported from Ukraine.

  • Sawt Beirut International