| 19 January 2025, Sunday |

When will gas stations receive fuel?

Will the spectacle of car queues reduce in front of gas stations, after the issuance of the new fuel prices grid this morning which registered massive hikes?

The member of the Gas Stations Owners’ Syndicate George Brax told ‘Almarkazia’ that the issuance of the schedule at these prices will leave several repercussions:

  • It will reduce the pressure among gas stations, as citizens were rushing previously to buy gasoline before the price hike.
  • The stations that were closed because it was out of stock will not be able to start distributing fuel in the early morning, but it will rather wait for oil distributers to deliver the gasoline quantities in the afternoon.

Brax said that the fuel crisis will be resolved within the coming 24 hours, after oil companies distribute fuel to gas stations.

He expected that the queues in front of gas stations will be reduced only for few days, because the crisis has not been totally resolved. He attributed this to the fact that setting the price at the exchange rate 3,900 LBP is not the solution, adding that the authorities must control oil distribution in order to guarantee it is delivered to all stations. Otherwise the crisis will remain even though the price is set at an exchange rate of 10,000 LBP.

  • Almarkazia