| 6 February 2025, Thursday |

World Bank: “Ready to help Lebanon and quickly implement urgent reforms.”

Director of the World Bank’s Mashreq Department, Saroj Kumarjah, affirmed after meeting with Lebanese Finance Minister Youssef Al-Khalil, their readiness to support efforts in addressing the crises in Lebanon.

On Friday, Minister Al-Khalil received a delegation from the World Bank headed by Kumarjah, where they discussed ongoing projects with the World Bank.”

After the meeting, Kumarjah said: “We affirm our readiness to support efforts in addressing the acute crises in Lebanon and urgently implement urgent reforms.”

He continued, “helping the government in addressing the electricity sector crisis, is high on our agenda. We are ready to assist the government in facing the challenges in this sector, moving forward with reforms and helping to increase power generation in the country, and working with partner countries to bring in gas and electricity to solve the problem.”

“We would like to be partners in supporting these efforts, given the importance of this sector.” He added.

Kumarjah announced that they discussed “the need to expedite the implementation of the social safety net project, which will help more than 200,000 families in Lebanon, which is a priority for the government, and for us as well, and its implementation has been delayed.”

He said: “We talked about the necessity of bringing Lebanese children back to school and learning, which is very important. The World Bank would like to be a partner in this effort, given its importance.”

“We also discussed in general cooperation in terms of macroeconomics, fiscal policy, private sector development and other reforms,” ​​Kumarjah concluded.