Member of the Democratic Gathering, MP Bilal Abdullah, tweeted: “Numbers of Lebanese emigration, especially young people, qualified ones and academics, are very worrying. They were not convinced by the slogans associated with the existence of sects and the powers of presidencies. They are frustrated by the collapse of the state and society, and Lebanon remaining hostage to regional conflicts and victim of international settlements. They do not care who will negotiate with the IMF!”
Lebanon is preparing for a new wave of immigration, which comes as a repercussion of the worst economic crisis in its history, and the most complex in the world, according to what the World Bank confirms in its reports.
This wave is reflected in numbers and percentages on various institutions and sectors, and appears publicly in the form of long waiting queues for thousands of citizens, moving between centers for obtaining passports, and places for managing papers and transactions. The same applies to embassies, some of which have postponed appointments to 2022 due to the immense number of requests, all the way to the airport, which is crowded with departures on daily basis.