UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated that the Lebanese people are experiencing significant challenges, expressing solidarity with the families of Beirut port blast victims, and emphasizing that justice must be served in this case via an open inquiry.
During a news conference at the conclusion of his visit to Lebanon, Guterres urged Lebanese authorities to strive toward reforms and transparency, emphasizing that free and fair parliamentary elections should be held to allow everyone express their opinions. He stated that the UN is capable of providing technical assistance to Lebanon in order to have free and transparent elections.
“Lebanese politicians do not have the right to hurt the people by proceeding with their conflicts,” he said.
“The international community will not respond if reforms are not implemented,” he said, adding that “certain steps must be done in Lebanon.”
“We need to broaden the international community’s assistance, and the Lebanese must put their country back on the road to economic recovery,” he continued.
“I highlighted the necessity to start discussions with the International Monetary Fund with Lebanon as soon as possible,” Guterres stated.
“The economic crisis in Lebanon is deep,” he said, adding that “it is necessary to resume negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, develop a recovery plan, and mobilize the international community, but officials must assume responsibility first.”