Council of Ministers meeting
… And we hasten to say: Article 64 of the Constitution, in the “Council of Ministers” chapter, states:
“The Prime Minister is the head of the government, he calls upon the Council of Ministers to convene” …
Certainly, when the legislator amended this article of the constitution in 1990 to make it as it is now, the legislator did not expect that this article would become of no use, practically, Hezbollah is the one who calls the Council of Ministers to convene, why? and how?
The President of the Republic wants the Prime Minister to convene a cabinet session, but Prime Minister Mikati is not answering his request.
Prime Minister Mikati had previously urged holding a cabinet session, but someone told him that any session without deciding the fate of the judicial investigator in the port explosion case, will lead to a boycott of Hezbollah and Amal ministers, and their escalation may go further, i.e. it might rach resignation.
Prime Minister Mikati was intimidated by the situation , so he gave uo on calling for a session of the Council of Ministers, and why not? Let this position be considered one of the provisions of “rounding the corners,” and Prime Minister Mikati, has mastered it.
And between President Mikati’s request, and then abandoning it, and the request of the President of the Republic, and not responding to his request, it is confirmed beyond any doubt, that Hezbollah is practically and in fact, the one who decides whether the sessions of the Council of Ministers will be held or not. As Hezbollah’s agenda comes first and takes precedence over the demands of the President of the Republic and the appeals of the Prime Minister.
When this government was formed, Prime Minister Mikati resented when he was asked about the blocking third in it, and he denied it. What President Mikati did not say, and was well known, is that in the government there is a “disrupting duo” which compensates for one-third, and it is more effective, with evidence that when this duo decided to suspend the government, the government was crippled.
For this reason, and out of respect for the constitution, and for what remains of its prestige, demand for an amendment to the article concerned with calling for sessions of the Council of Ministers, and specifying who is able to convene it and not only , who has the authority to do so.
Practically speaking, as if the country is under a “state of emergency,” the articles of the constitution are suspended, and articles are not conjured, except upon request, and this is what Hezbollah wants:
Leaders and presidencies at his disposal.
Juridiciary is at his disposal, otherwise it is not necessary.
Therefore, with ultimate passion, is waiting for how President Aoun and President Mikati will get out of this predicament. Certainly, Hezbollah will not back down, because neither Baabda nor the Saraya are in a position to pressure it.
By the way, what about the “strong covenant”?