President Michel Aoun
The President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, seeks to overthrow the Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, and this is not to find solutions and reduce the economic and financial crisis, but rather to obtain the position of central governance and to bring in a ruler who is obedient to the wishes of the master of the palace and his son-in-law, Gibran Bassil, and to eliminate the last penny of the depositors’ money from the compulsory reserve.
Aoun’s play has become clear, especially before the parliamentary elections in order to make Saleme look like a corrupt and to show Aoun as an anti-corruption fighter.
In this context, economic sources believe that Aoun does not want to improve the situation in Lebanon, but to make his era gain, which is about to end amid a complete collapse and without any achievement, with more crises instead.
The sources indicated to the “Sawt Beirut International” website, that Aoun rejected all the names proposed by Prime Minister Najib Mikati, and wants to appoint a new, obedient ruler who says to Aoun “by your order” and “take what you want from depositors’ money and mandatory reserves”, in addition to showing the last days of the era as a warrior.
The sources learned that Hezbollah does not support the idea of changing Salame because it does not want Aoun to win a new governor for the Banque du Liban and control the fate of the remaining funds, because Hezbollah’s experience with Aoun due to his behavior in politics and in some sensitive files disturbed Hezbollah.
The sources added, “Hezbollah wants to agree in advance with Aoun before agreeing and giving the green light to remove Salameh, and it does not want a dispute with its main and strategic ally, the Speaker of Parliament, who is not enthusiastic about changing Salameh, and Hezbollah will stand by Berri’s opinion on this issue.”
As for Prime Minister Najib Mikati, the sources say that “what matters to him is that the government remains isolated from Salameh’s issue, because the important thing is for the government to remain until elections are held and negotiations are passed with the International Monetary Fund, so Mikati can tell the world that he did his duty.”