| 13 January 2025, Monday |

People will block confidence to Mikati’s government, even if he gets it from ruling class

President Najib Mikati was assigned to form a government, through consensus between the possessed by powers’ ruling class, without referring to the people’s will, who has demanded its departure over and over again, while it forcefully claim ruling on its behalf.

A source following up on the formation course considers that anyone who thinks that there is an Arab and International approval on this (packaging) assignment course, is very wrong. Mikati accepted this course and he will bear the consequences sooner or later, in case he failed in maturing the government settlement or succeeded in it, because the loss is inevitable, and will first affect him, and of course the Lebanese people whose situation will deteriorate further.

The source believes that this government will be a de facto government and will not be offering “candies,” rather it will be managing the crisis. Facilizing its birth, is just an attempt to banish the specter of sanctions that are about to be issued, and whoever counts on this matter, knows nothing about countries’ strategies that do not happen with “a stroke of a pen.”

It continues, “The votes that President Mikati will receive,  will not be enough to grant him confidence, because even if he obtains it from the opposition deputies, he has already lost it, when he agreed to be approved upon by this axis, which caused the destruction of the country economically, socially and humanly. And here comes the following question, will he be able to implement the people’s demands, those people who have revolted against this corrupt class? Or will he rotate the corners with this axis to pass the time, while waiting for the external files to be cleared, especially the Iranian nuclear file?

What is certain, is that the government is already governed by those who  proposed the name of Mikati, and therefore, one wonders about the matters that were agreed upon in order to obtain the honor of naming the prime minister, whether he submitted to their conditions or complied with them? which is impossible, especially since he is the third in charge. So, are there variables to be built upon regarding the formation of a rescue government?

Of course, there are no variables or indicators for the success of such a mosaic government, united by one interest, which is the solidarity against people. And the “Covenant Tayyar’s” withdrawal from voting, is just a “propaganda” and a precautionary stance, in order to avoid holding them responsible for the failure of the government’s birth after they were considered the godfathers of disruption.

What was significant during this day of consultations, was the significant fell of the dollar exchange rate, but it caused confusion in all sectors that are now living according to the exchange rate fluctuations, and it increases the deterioration,  because there is no confidence in this class and they will not be able to open a new page with a people whose memory can no longer upload more corrupt files. So will the people accept to be fooled again?