It is the capital control ball that the Councils of Ministers and Representatives are squabbling about. A huge and dangerous bill that no parliamentary bloc would dare adopt before the election date. It is expected that its approval will be postponed until after May 15.
In line with the arrival of the representatives to the session, hundreds of citizens, including depositors and unionists, staged a sit-in in the vicinity of the House of Representatives to object to the formula proposed for Capital Control, which bore the depositor with heavy losses.
And from within the House of Representatives, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Elie Ferzli, announced the cancellation of the session of the joint parliamentary committees due to the lack of a quorum. Regarding the current version of this law, economist Patrick Mardini points out that it is unfair to depositors
So, whatever the scenario, the depositors will be the scapegoats of the Holocaust, and they will be offered as a ransom to carry out the reforms.