| 12 February 2025, Wednesday |

Energy Minister Walid Fayyad: “I am a doctor”

Take a good look at these pictures!

This is the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm turn bell

This is the Queen of Belgium who takes her children to school

This is the Dutch Minister of Health, a doctor who spends two hours a day cleaning the streets.

This Japanese Energy Minister bows before his people for 20 minutes, apologizing for the 20-minute power cuts

This is the Lebanese Minister of Energy, whose priority amid severe power cuts, is to be known as Dr.

Forgive us, Walid. Perhaps you do not know that during the era of former President Elias Hraoui in 1997, the Council of Ministers decided to abolish the titles by Resolution No. 36

I mean, if you are addressed to Minister Walid Fayyad, the address will be legal without his Excellency or a doctor

This princess of Denmark takes her children on a bicycle to school

This Italian Prime Minister is finishing his work on the stairs while waiting for his wife, and by the way it looks like the stairs of the Ministry of Energy

This is the German Finance Minister.

Of course, you deserve the title and you did not steal it and, and you struggled to obtain it, but the priority now is not for titles and going to the sea. But to get down to work.

Frankly, people were surprised that a minister who arrived at the Republican Palace in a yellow Mini Cooper car and spends time in the sun without escorts had to stop at this detail, and he was among those who worked in the most important American companies that are concerned with the employee’s productivity, not his title.

Finally, “You bring us electricity,” and we have to call you a professor, a hero, and include you in the history book.


Because the Voice and the letter to the Council of Ministers were leaked to the public, and since you are a public figure, criticism of your behavior is allowed.

On July 16, 2013, the Urgent Matters Judge in Beirut, Jad Maalouf, issued a decision saying:

“Whoever deals with public affairs or exercises public authority is subject to the control of general public in all his actions, and therefore he must show a higher degree of tolerance.”

Forgive us if we bothered you!

  • Sawt Beirut International