| 15 February 2025, Saturday |

Introduction to SBI news bulletin: Did the victims of the Beirut port crime commit suicide?

Lebanon is a country of oddities and wonders. In the country of oddities and wonders anything is possible. A financing card has been approved but without any financing! A dollar rises and falls, sometimes for a reason, sometimes for no reason, and always without controls!

Banks old dollar bills, others don’t, as if the value of the green currency is in the color of its paper or its cleanliness, not in what it symbolizes! The President of the Republic is very comfortable in Baabda Palace, assuring the Lebanese that there is no need to worry! The Speaker of the House of Representatives, who has never been famous for respecting laws and regulations, declares and confirms that implementing laws is the gateway to reform! To complete the picture: a prime minister who moves and acts outwardly, holds bilateral, tripartite, and quartet meetings and retreats in the Serail, but either wants nor seeks to hold a session of his government, citing the charter. Noting that since the charter was applied in Lebanon, it was between Christians and Muslims, and it has never been a confessional pact, i.e. for every sect within the two major sects.

But all of this is in one hand, and the prosecution of Judge Tariq Al-Bitar with lawsuits of response, litigation with the state, and legitimate suspicion is on another one. Is the rudeness of this system even reasonable? Is it possible that it does not care about the destruction that has befallen Beirut, nor the wounded who suffered, nor the victims who fell, and all its concern now is to defend some of its men on the pretext that they are innocent and that they have nothing to do with what happened in the port? Let us suppose that these are innocent, then who bears the responsibility? Are we required to say out loud that the victims of the port committed suicide collectively so that Ali Hassan Khalil rests, Ghazi Zuaiter sleeps, Nihad Al-Machnouk smiles, Youssef Fenianos is satisfied, and Hassan Diab keeps silent? Hey, Defendant Officials, stop your laughable, weeping lawsuit for every lawsuit you file against Al-Bitar is further evidence of your involvement.

  • Sawt Beirut International