| 16 February 2025, Sunday |

Only in Lebanon went on hunger strike because of a register certificate

It is not difficult for Suleiman Aboud, who has been fighting for 20 years, and who has filled the squares of October 17, to sit down and go on a hunger strike in front of the Souls Department in Saraya Tire to obtain a civil status record for his 11-year-old son in order to register him for his academic year.

Suleiman Abboud spoke on behalf of all the Lebanese with his sit-in about the collapse of institutions, as the General Directorate of Personal Status does not have the full budget for printing the registration documents, and the problem is still stuck between the Ministry of Interior and the army leadership.

As soon as the story of Suleiman Abboud spread on social media … the civil status record was secured, but the crisis continues and all the Lebanese are suffering, and the price of securing the release of the civil status record has reached two million pounds.

Cancer patients beg for medicine on the streets, Citizens wait in queues of humiliation on the roads, people go on hunger strike for their minimum rights.
Lebanon is not well and we are not well.



  • Sawt Beirut International