| 16 February 2025, Sunday |

Our rulers are young slaves

If the government is formed in the next two days, the authority in Lebanon will prove that it is one of the rudest ruling regimes in the world. The country have been waiting for a government from a year and a month, but to no avail! Three Prime Minister-designates were assigned, and the government was not formed. The dollar crossed the threshold of 20,000 LBP and the government was not formed. People starved, suffered oppression and humiliation, and turned for searching for a loaf of bread, a medicine pill, and a drop of gasoline, and the government was not formed.

The reasons are always hilarious. Don’t think for a moment that our officials are battling for a fundamental issue, such as saving the economy from total collapse or for the defense policy, or Lebanon’s positioning in relation to regional and international conflicts. Our officials are not concerned about these aforementioned matters but rather about how to distribute shares, positions, quotas, and gains. They seek sharing the cheese of power at a time when the Lebanese refrigerators no longer contain any kind of cheese!

The most important thing is that suddenly, after the pessimistic atmosphere that prevailed for forming a government, and after talks about the Prime Minister-designate’s apology, the revelation fell, after a phone call between French President Emmanuel Macron and Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi.

Within few moments, the pessimistic atmosphere dissipated and was replaced by an optimistic atmosphere. It seemed as if the government was in a race against time, and that the expected government that Lebanese have been waiting for 13 months had become a matter of fact in few hours. Is anyone asking why the ruling system is one of the worst systems in the world? Is it worse than rulers and officials who do not listen to the voice of their people, but rather strengthen through implementing the orders of the states? Is it worse than rulers who claim that they are the masters inside their country, while they are mere petty slaves outside their country?

  • Sawt Beirut International