At a time when the Lebanese were laying on the ground in front of embassies, hoping for a visa to flee a nation that had failed them with its political resources, he made the decision to get out from beneath the ashes of immobility and monotony. He wore the gear and wielded the weapon of life’s first pleasure, “eating.”
A Lebanese American chose to return to Lebanon to pursue his interest, not just his pastime. Without financial gain, marketing efforts, or even a desire to appear in public, he travels from one location to another solely to grill and serve people food made from his own recipe, the most essential part of which is love. The most significant “grill” is a manager at one of the most important firms.
We joined him in this report to Lebanon’s Bhamdoun, and he has several Lebanese areas on his itinerary. Ramzy demonstrates his passion for grilling by gently rotating the meat, blending the spices, and presenting the dish after adding the taste of the grin.