We are living in a failed state. This is the conclusion reached by everyone who follows up the performance of officials. Confusion prevails, and every decision is followed by a contradictory decision, as if we are in two states, not one!
On Thursday, the Lebanese Foreign Minister issued a statement condemning Russia’s invasion to Ukraine. In principle, and in countries that respect itself, the statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs represents the policy of the state, and is the result of consultation and coordination among the main decision-makers. But in Lebanon the matter is the opposite. The Minister of Labor, who is affiliated with Hezbollah, announced in the Cabinet on Friday that the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not represent him, because it violates the principle of neutrality declared by the Lebanese government.
Who is the Minister of Labor laughing at? Is it on himself or on us? What neutrality he is talking about? Is it about the neutrality of Hezbollah, which intervenes in every country that the Wali al-Faqih asks to intervene? If Hezbollah truly believes in neutrality, why then its fierce campaign against the Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi since he began demanding positive neutrality for Lebanon?
A second funny matter is related to what happened on the website of the Department of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the United Nations. At the beginning of the week, it was revealed that the letter sent by Lebanon to the United Nations, which considers the maritime border area between the 23rd and the 29th lines to be disputed, has been removed from the site. Today, it announced that the message has been re-published.
Which official asked to delete the message? no answer. Which official asked to re-publish it? Also, no answer. Are we in a country or in Ali Baba’s cave? Certainly, we are in Ali Baba’s cave, but the thieves we have are much more than forty!!