| 18 September 2024, Wednesday |

This is how you shed a lot of pounds

I’ll start the diet on Monday: one of our conversational rituals; for some, it represents the passage of time; for others, it represents the aim of a forbidden love. We all want to lose weight, go to the gym, and follow “trendy” diets, and a very old new kind has lately been presented, the intermittent fasting diet.

People began to examine and ban, and philosophize in defining its norms, as is customary, but the truth is for science only. Janine defines intermittent fasting as a lifestyle, as does any diet. It is not only a phase of weight loss… God likes those who do well. Food is both a sickness and a remedy, and the key to good health is moderation. Intermittent fasting is relatively recent in popular discourse, although religious fasting is centuries old; in both situations, “fast and you will be awake.”

  • Sawt Beirut International