| 15 February 2025, Saturday |

Antigen tests to be obligatory for indoor areas of cafes, restaurants in Northern Cyprus

Results of a PCR or an antigen test will be obligatory at entrances to indoor spaces of restaurants and cafes as part of new regulations adopted by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) for the coronavirus, officials said Friday.

A statement by the Health Ministry said a series of new criteria was set by the TRNC and countries will be divided by color in line with a coronavirus status.

Foreigners will be denied entry if they visited any country designated in the red category. Turkish Cypriots will be exempted.

Those coming from red countries, regardless of vaccination status, will be granted permission to enter on condition they can demonstrate a negative CPR test in the previous 72 hours from travel and accept a stay under quarantine for 10 days.

As for those who are vaccinated and recovered, and coming from orange-colored countries, they will be eligible for entry without quarantine if they have a negative test.

Foreigners from orange-colored countries who are not vaccinated will be asked to show a negative test result and will be put under a 10-day quarantine.

No restrictions will be imposed on travelers from green-colored countries if they have been vaccinated or recovered. Those without vaccination must show a negative result.

Those from grey-colored countries, whether vaccinated or not, will be required to show a similar result and remain under quarantine for two weeks.

In line with the criteria, those required to stay under quarantine will have to share their address in the TRNC, download the “Stay Safe Application” and stay in quarantine for seven to 14 days with a wristband.

In the TRNC, those who had contact with a COVID-19 patient are required to stay under quarantine for 10 days.

While restaurants and taverns will continue to operate at one-third capacity, customers at indoor areas, if they have been vaccinated, will have to show results PCR or antigen tests administered in the past seven days. The period for customers without vaccination will be the last 72 hours.