| 18 February 2025, Tuesday |

Peru’s Castillo falls in polls, suggesting photo finish against Fujimori

On Friday, Peruvian Socialist Presidential Candidate Pedro Castillo fell further in public opinion polls, putting him in a dead heat with right-wing Keiko Fujimori two days before the runoff election on Sunday.

Castillo led by 0.9 percentage point in an Ipsos survey seen by Reuters, while Fujimori led by 0.2 percentage point in a CPI poll seen by Reuters, marking the first time the right-wing contender has led her leftist competitor.

Fujimori, the daughter of imprisoned former President Alberto Fujimori, is running against Castillo, a little-known elementary school teacher and union leader who has run on a socialist platform.

According to polls, Fujimori is gaining up to Castillo, who has been the front-runner since the first round of voting in April.

The error margin for the Ipsos poll was 2.8 percent, while the CPI poll had a 2.5 percent error margin.

It is prohibited in Peru to publish polls during the final week before a presidential election, although these polls can still be conducted as long as they are not published in local media.

  • Reuters