| 11 September 2024, Wednesday |

Polish government bans grain and food imports from Ukraine

Jaroslaw Kaczyski, the head of the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS), announced on Saturday that the Polish government has decided to forbid the importation of food and grains from Ukraine in order to save the Polish agricultural industry.

Due to logistical difficulties, large amounts of Ukrainian grains—which are less expensive than those produced in the European Union—have ended up remaining in Central European nations, which has had an adverse effect on prices and sales for local farmers.

This has created a political problem for the PiS in an election year.

“Today, the government has decided on a regulation that prohibits the entry, importation of grain into Poland, but also dozens of other types of food (from Ukraine),” Kaczyński said during the PiS party convention.

The list of these goods will be included in the government regulation, and there are goods “from grain to honey products, very, very many things,” he added.

“We are and remain unchanged friends and allies of Ukraine. We will support her and we support her. … But it is the duty of every state, every authority, good authority in any case, to protect the interests of its citizens,” Kaczyński said.

Kaczyński said Poland was ready to start talks with Ukraine to settle the grain issue and the Ukrainian side had already been notified of the decisions of the Polish government.

  • Reuters