King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) provided over $2 billion in food security projects and $179 million for nutrition-related activities, announced Supervisor-General Abdullah al-Rabeeah.
Rabeeah participated on Tuesday in the Global Food Security Summit in London alongside UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, UK Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs David Cameron, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamed, and several ministers, UN leaders, regional and international agencies, civil society, and other concerned stakeholders.
With participants from 20 countries, the summit addressed enhancing food security by developing climate-resilient crops and discussed ways to boost efforts to achieve zero hunger and end malnutrition.
In his address at a working session titled “Toward the eradication of hunger and the elimination of malnutrition,” Rabeeah reiterated the importance of the theme of this session, noting that, unfortunately, it is not new.
“I am not sure we will achieve the sustainable development goals by 2030. More than 52 million children are suffering from child wasting, and many have recently lost their lives or have been deprived of nutrition due to the current crises, such as the one we are witnessing today in Gaza,” he said.
The Supervisor added that the KSRelief interventions address food security and nutrition issues by adopting a strategy of integrating nutrition programs with food security, water, sanitation, and health interventions to save the lives of at-risk children.
He recalled that in partnership with global organizations and international and local NGOs, the Center provided over $2 billion in food security projects and $179 million for nutrition-related activities.
The Center works closely with governments and organizations to unify efforts and implement projects worldwide, said Rabeeah, describing the partnerships with the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and others as “successful and promising.”
The official stressed the importance of enabling countries and societies to access sustainable food resources and modern agriculture tools and lifting restrictions on food trade.
Rabeeah reiterated the importance of transferring knowledge to agriculture, the food industry, and health, asserting the importance of women’s health, which will be reflected in the birth of healthy babies.
At the end of his speech, Rabeeah called for focusing on achieving the common goals of ensuring a safe and prosperous life for all children and working together to prevent malnutrition rather than address it.
The summit included ministers of development, health and agriculture, scientists, innovators, civil society organizations, and multilateral institutions, including international financial and private sector establishments, to rally support that will help find durable solutions for the future, change the current situation, and prevent food insecurity and malnutrition.